Creating a sense of belonging in neighborhoods around the world.
Venn started with the mission to make the homes easily manageable, neighbors more visible and approachable and neighborhood businesses, event and services more accessible and engaging.
Currently Venn operates in 3 neighborhoods around the world:
Brooklyn, Berlin and Tel Aviv.
The Problem
People living in cities experience loneliness or feel disengaged; current co-living and co-working models limit urban exploration and engagement with the wider community around the neighborhood.
The product planning started with the mission to enable people in urban neighborhoods to live a balanced and meaningful life that will positively impact their community. The goal was to build a network of homes, shared spaces, local business initiatives and community engagement. All digitally operated thought our interfaces - both for neighborhood residents and landlords
Target Audience
The target users of Venn are young professionals living and working in cities. These users have a strong preference connection and communication.
These young professionals rent for a while now and are tired of heartless landlords that raise the price of their apartment every year. The look for meaningful connections around their neighborhood, and are very interested in social causes and making an impact thought collaboration as a way of life.
& Role
As the first digital designer to join Venn, I marked the start of the R&D department. Having had previous experience designing and branding for B2C, I am leading a core team of designers, with occasional support from local freelances around the neighborhoods to develop a cohesive & adaptive visual identity system that can be applied both to digital interfaces as well to marketing materials.
Currently coordinating and heading all facets of design including: visual brand, user experience, interaction and production. On occasion we are also conducting user researches using methods such as interviews, surveys and focus groups in order to address user behavior and attitudes.